Ministry of Justice releases special plan to hunt down illegal labourers working in construction sector who take away low-skill jobs for marginalised


Ministry of Justice releases special plan to hunt down illegal labourers working in construction sector who take away low-skill jobs for marginalised mid-aged sole breadwinners of Korean nationality.

The Minister of Justice Mr. Park, Sang-ki released a special plan to stop illegal migrant labourers eating away jobs, mainly construction sector jobs, on 20 September 2018.

1. The KIS will initiate stronger rigourous screening of visa applicants who are susceptible to illegal employment after entering Korea.

2. The KIS will prioritise crackdown activities and target specific sectors prone to replacement by illegal residents (i.e. construction sector) and prostitution activities (i.e. adult entertainment bars).

3. The KIS will grant a grace period of six months from 1 October 2018 to 31 March 2019 to illegal residents to encourage voluntary return.

4. The KIS will officially release illegal resident statistics by country and a list of illegal residents will be relayed to his/her country of citizenship.

5. The KIS will create an environment supporting legal employment of non-nationals and, at the same time, will have zero tolerance for employers and brokers engaged in illegal employment.


 Please refer to the attached file for a detailed deion.

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